Episode1 : Pokemon I choose you

[Ash's room in Pallet Town]
TV Announcer: And Nidorina begins the battle with a horn attack. Oh, but Gengar bounces right back and there it is the hypnosis power of Gengar. This could be the end of Nidorina. Wait, the trainer recalls Nidorina. Which Pokémon will he use now? Oh, its Onix! Now this giant Pokémon is on the attack. Oh, but Gengar jumps aside. Gengar is moving beautifully today, its training is top notch...

Ash: Yes! I am Ash.

Narrator: Ash Ketchum is a boy from Pallet town.

Ash: And now that I'm ten I can finally get my Pokémon license.

Narrator: Ten year olds can get a beginner Pokémon from Professor Oak, the town's Pokémon expert.

Ash: I will journey to gain the wisdom of Pokémon training, and I hereby declare to the Pokémon of the world, I will be a Pokémon master... Pokémon Master that is what I'll-

Delia: Ash, get to bed! It's 11 o'clock, and you should be asleep.

Ash: But tomorrow I begin my Pokémon journey. I can't sleep.

Delia: Well, if you can't sleep you should at least get ready for tomorrow. Here watch this.

Prof Oak on TV: Good evening Pallet. Tomorrow is the big day for the newest class of Pokémon students. I'd like to introduce you to Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. Each one is available for new trainers, which one shall you choose.

Delia: Go to bed when this is done.

Ash: Alright, I'm going.

Delia: And change into your pajamas okay?

Ash: I'm going!

Ash: [talks and mumbles in his sleep] Raising a Bulbasaur. That'd be really Simple. Its perfect, for beginners. [In his dream he throws ball and releases Bulbasaur] I Choose you, Bulbasaur! There's Squirtle. I Choose you Squirtle! Choose it or lose it.
[Pokemon alam calls to signal it's morning]
Hold on, Charmander, those who know say that's the best way to go. I choose you, Charmander!

[wakes up]
Oh no! What time is it?

[running down the street, still in his PJ's]
Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander- any one's fine, just please save one for me.

[Ash reaches Professor Oak's ranch]
Gary's Cheerleaders: Gary, Gary he's our man. If he
can't do it no one can!

Ash: [pushes through people] Sorry, excuse me!

Gary's Cheerleaders: Gary, Gary he's our... HEY!

Gary: [Ash bumps into Gary] Hey, watch where your
going! Well, you must be Ash. Better late than never, I guess. At least you get the chance to meet me.

Ash: Gary?

Gary: Mr. Gary to you. Show some respect! Well Ash, you snooze you lose, and you're way behind right from the start! I've got a Pokémon, and you don't.

Ash: You got your first Pokémon?

Gary: That's right loser, and its right inside this

Gary's Cheerleaders: Let's go Gary, lets go! Yeah yeah!

Gary: Thank you fans! Thank you all for this great
honor. I promise you that I will become a Pokémon
master and make the town of Pallet known all 'round the world!

Ash: Excuse me, I was just wondering if you could tell me what kind of Pokémon you got.

Gary: None of your business, if you showed up on time you woulda seen that I got the best Pokémon from Professor Oak. It's good to have a grandfather in the Pokémon business, isn't it?

[to the crowd] Thank you for coming out to see history in the making. Now I, Gary Oak, am off to learn the ways of the Pokémon trainer!

[Gary drives off in his car with the women, followed by the crowd]
Ash: [angrily] I'll show you!

Prof Oak: So, you decided to show up after all.

Ash: Oh, Professor Oak where's my Pokémon?

Prof Oak: Your Pokémon?

Ash: Yes, I'm ready!

Prof. Oak: You look like your ready for bed, not for
Pokémon training. I hope you don't think you're going to train in your pajamas?

Ash: Oh, no Professor! I got messed up this morning
and I was a little late. But believe me, I'm ready for a Pokémon.

[Inside Professor Oak's Lab]
Ash: I thought about it a lot, and it took me a long
time, but I've finally decided to choose Squirtle. Oh!

Prof Oak: Already taken by someone who was on time.

Ash: Oh, I wish I hadn't overslept. But now I will choose as my Pokémon Bulbasaur. Wha?

Prof Oak: That one was also taken by a kid who wasn't late.

Ash: Oh. Well that's no problem, because my Pokémon will be Charmander. Agh!

Prof Oak: The early bird gets the worm, or in this case the Pokémon.

Ash: Does that mean all the Pokémon are gone?

Prof Oak: Well there is still one left but I uh...

Ash: Professor I'll take it!

Prof Oak: I think I should warn you there is a problem with this last one...

Ash: I have to have a Pokémon.

Prof Oak: Well in that case...

Pikachu: Pi-ka-chu.

Prof Oak: It's name is Pikachu.

Ash: It's so cute, its the best of all.

Prof Oak: You'll see.

Ash: Oh, hi Pikachu.

Pikachu: [annoyed] Pika-

Prof Oak: It's also called Electric Mouse. It's usually shy but can sometimes have an electrifying personality.

[Pikachu shocks Ash]
Ash: I see what you mean.

Prof Oak: Shocking isn't it. Now take these, your
pokédex and pokéballs

[Prof. Oak gives Ash some items and then Pikachu shocks them both]
Ash: Thank you

Prof Oak: Your welcome.

[Ash and Professor Oak walk outside back to the crowd]
Ash: Mom!

Delia: Oh, Ash I'm so proud of you! You're finally going to fulfill your dream and start your Pokémon training. But I'm, I'm going to miss you so much. Oh, my little boy!

Pikachu: Pikachu.

Delia: I packed your sneakers and jeans, nice clean shirts and underwear and your favorite snacks and some hot chocolate in case you want something hot, but be careful not to burn yourself! And a pair of rubber gloves to do your laundry and a new clothes line to hang it out to dry -

Ash: Mom, you're embarrassing me in front of all these people! Don't you know I'm a big kid now? Pokémon trainers can take care of themselves.

Delia: I understand. [looks at Pikachu] Hmmm? That's your Pokémon?

Pikachu: Pikachu

Ash: Yep that's my Pokémon.

Pikachu: Pi.

Ash: With Pikachu at my side I'll get all the Pokémon in the world.

Delia: I thought all Pokémon stayed inside their
pokéballs, why doesn't this one?

Ash: Huh? Oh yeah, right. Pikachu get in the ball now.

Pikachu: Pi-ka-chu-pi-ka-chu-pi-ka-chu

[in rhythm as Ash continually tosses a pokéball at
Delia: Oh you're playing catch! You're friends already!

Ash: Uh, Sure. Pikachu and I are real pals! Right?

Delia: But it's a little weird.

Ash: Weird?

[Pikachu shocks the crowd]
Prof Oak: Those rubber gloves your mom packed willcome in handy.

Ash: Why?

Prof Oak: Rubber doesn't conduct electricity.

Ash: Hooray!

Delia: Don't forget to change your underwear, every
single day.

Ash: Okay

Pikachu: Pikachu.

[Ash walks out of the town wearing the rubber gloves, with Pikachu on the washing line, which is acting like a lead]
Ash: Pikachu, are you going to be like this the whole

Pikachu: Pi [Yes].

Ash: Is it because you don't like me?

Pikachu: Pika, pika [Yes]

Ash: Well, I like you a lot. And since you're the
Pokémon I'm training, don't you think you could be a little nicer and just open your mouth and tell me what's wrong?

Pikachu: Cha!

[opens his mouth, and in the corner of the screen it magnifies his mouth]
Ash: Uh, that's not exactly what I meant. Is your name all you can say?

Pikachu: Pi-ka

Ash: Well then, you're just like all Pokémon, and you should act like one and get inside the pokéball just like it says in the pokédex.

Dexter: While being trained a Pokémon usually stays
inside it's pokéball.

Ash: Y'a see?

Dexter: However there are many exceptions. Some
Pokémon hate being confined.

Ash: Ok then, this ought'a make things better.

[takes off the makieshift leash and rubber gloves] And I'll get rid of these. How's that?

Pikachu: Pi.

Ash: Still not good enough? huh?

[hears something]
A Pidgey!

Dexter: Pidgey is a flying Pokémon. Among all the flying Pokémon it is the gentlest and easiest to capture. A perfect target for the beginning Pokémon trainer to test his Pokémon skills.

Ash: This is great! Its our lucky day! Pikachu go get it!

Pikachu: Chu.

Ash: Aren't you ever going to listen to me?

Pikachu: Chu.

Ash: But why not?

Pikachu: Pika, pika, pika, pika

[scurries off into a tree]

Ash: OK, I get the message. I don't want your help or need it. I can get that thing all by myself!

Ash: Alright, I pledged to get all the Pokémon in the
world. Now I'm ready to take the next step to be the #1 Pokémon master! Enjoy your last moments of freedom Pidgey 'cause you're mine! pokéball go!

[throws pokéball to catch the Pidgey]
I did it!

[the pokéball wigglies and Pidgey escapes]
I blew it

Dexter: [patronisingly] To capture a Pokémon, you
usually have your own Pokémon battle with the other.

Ash: Now he tells me. [Pikachu laughs] But I have to do everything myself! Wait, I've got an idea.

[Ash picks up his PJ top from his backpack and sneaks up on Pidgey]
Okay. Just be quiet. There's nothing to be afraid of.
Hi, little friend.

[Ash throws the top over Pidgey]
Sorry Buddy!

[the Pidgey struggles and releases a tornado which
raises Ash off the ground before throwing him to the side]
What happened?

Dexter: Pidgey's gust power creates tornadoes, it also has a sand attack.

Ash: Sand!?

[Pidgey uses sand-attack]
Guess its not my lucky day.

[Pikachu laughs. Ash realises something is in his
Hey! Get out of there!

Dexter: A forest Pokémon, Rattatta. It like cheese,
nuts, fruits and berries.

Ash: Yeah but, this isn't a forest, it's an open field.

Dexter: It also comes out into fields to steal food from STUPID travelers.

Ash: That means...I'm stupid?

[Pikachu laughs even louder. Ash sees a few Pidgey's in the tall grass nearby. Throws a rock but misses the birds]
I'll get you this time.

[throws another rock and it hits]
I got it! [he has hit a Spearow] I wonder what that is.

Dexter: Unlike Pidgey, Spearow has a terrible attitude, it is very wild and will sometimes attack other Pokémon and humans.

[Spearow tries to attack Ash a couple of times then
targets Pikachu in the tree]
Ash: Hey, leave Pikachu alone! It didn't throw the rock!

Dexter: Wild Pokémon tend to be jealous of human
trained Pokémon.

[The Spearow still torments Pikachu]
Ash: Pikachu!

[Pikachu attacks it, and the Spearow falls]
You got it!

[Spearow calls for reinforcementand a flock of Spearows appear and start flying towards Ash and Pikachu]
Uh oh! Uh, should we run?

Pikachu: Pikachu

[Pikachu argees and they run]
Ash: Don't worry Pikachu! No matter what I'll save you!

Pikachu: Pika-chu

[runs ahead of Ash]
Ash: Don't run ahead! I said I'll protect -ow-!

[Pikachu is bombarded by Spearows and then falls]
Leave it alone Spearows! Pikachu!

[he picks up Pikachu and keeps running until they come to a river cliff]
Well, here we go.

[he jumps into water seeing no other way out]
[Misty is fishing down river when her line bgins to bob]
Misty: Hey, I gotta bite! Oh wow! I really think this
could be a big one!

[She pulls Ash and Pikachu out of the water]
Na, its just a kid...oh, and a Pokémon! Oh, are you

Ash: Yeah, I'm ok.

Misty: Not you! Look what you've done to that poor
little thing! Is it breathing?

Ash: I...I...I think so.

Misty: Well, just don't sit there, it needs a doctor right away! There's a medical center not too far from here You got to get moving now!

Ash: You mean a hospital?

Misty: Yes, for Pokémon.

Ash: Can you tell me which way do I go?

Misty: That way.

[She points. Ash then sees the Spearows coming towards them]
Ash: They're coming back! RUN!

[Ash takes Misty's bike and puts Pikachu in the basket]
Misty: What are you doing?

Ash: I'm borrowing this.

Misty: Hey, that's my bike!

Ash: I'll give it back someday.

[pedals off]
Misty: Oh, You!

Ash: Just hang on now Pikachu!

[a monsoon storm begins overhead]
We're almost there!

[he crashes the bike and they go flying]
Pikachu!! Pikachu, this can't...happen.

[Ash holds out a pokéball]
Pikachu, get inside.

[Pikachu is still frightened]
I know you're afraid of going in there, but if you're
inside maybe I can save you. Please, Pikachu, please listen to me and go inside. After that then, after that just trust me.

[the Spearows fly overhead]
Spearows, do you know I am? I'm Ash from the town of Pallet. I am destined to be the world's #1 Pokémon master. I can't be defeated by the likes of you. I'm going to capture and defeat you all. You hear me?

[looks back at Pikachu]
Go inside the Pokéball, it's the only way. Come and get me!

[The Spearow charge at Ash who stands defending
Pikachu from the birds. Pikachu, using all his remaining, climbs up Ash, and jumps out at the birds. Then he is hit by a lightning bolt from the storm above and causes a massive explosion
[the lightning bolt that hits Pikachu here seems to be the thing that causes his strength to increase beyond his evolutional stage]]
Pikachu: P-I-K-A-C-H-U!

[Pikachu releases a Thunderbolt! The rain stops.
Ash and Pikachu lie hurt on the ground]
Ash: Well, we beat 'em.

Pikachu: Chu.

[agrees, then golden bird flies overhead]
Ash: What's that?

Dexter: There is no data. There are still Pokémon yet to be identified.

[Ash picks up Pikachu, who licks Ash's face. Then the two walk off to find Virdian]

Narrator: This is just the beginning of the amazing
adventures of Ash and Pikachu. Their journey is destined to be packed with non-stop action, millions of laughs, heart pounding perils and endless excitement. Together, they'll encounter fantastic friends, evil enemies, and meet creatures beyond your wildest imagination. And as their story unfolds, we'll unlock the magic and mystery of a most wondrous place, the incredible world of Pokémon.

To Be Continued...

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