Sora: Hey Sora here well we had just finished crossing what seemed like an uncrossable desert when we found a village made up of thousands of Yokomon under attack by Meramon. He was really mad because he had a weird flying black gear stuck inside of his back. We tried to get all the Yokomon away from the village but there were just too many of them. Biyomon digivolved to Bidramon and was able to drive out the black gear and destroy it. Then Meramon and the village went back to normal we'll just see how long that lasts.
Opening theme
Sora: We passed this place before.
Joe: You mean we walked all the way around the whole planet!
Mimi: That just can’t be I can’t walk that far can I? I'm so tired.
Mimi stops for a rest followed by Gomamon and Tk.
Tk: My feet are hot.
Matt: Looks like we’re taking a break.
Sora: Well it’s not like we have some place to be.
Tai: I guess you’re right there’s no reason to hurry.
Matt: Check out Izzy I bet he’s trying to e-mail the aliens.
Tai: Maybe he’s asking them to beam him up.
Izzy: Still crashed and the warranties expired.
Tai: Hey Izzy I know how to get it to boot up you’ve got to give it a couple of (I didn’t get what Tai said here) [It was something to do with whacking the computer, because Tai and Agumon try to grab it and hit it as I recall - I'll see if I can get the tape out of the library and get this. ~Jedi_Amara]
Izzy: Hey quit it are your brain cells malfunctioning?
Tai: Gosh your acting like I’m hurting the dumb thing.
Sora: Too bad your brain isn’t as big as your hair maybe Izzy doesn’t want grimy fingerprints and dents all over his computer.
Tai: Huh Humph what? Hey look do you guys see that smoke over there? I’ll check it out.
Agumon: Hey Tai wait for me.
Joe: The attention span of a gnat.
Matt: Ah whatever.
Izzy: Oh we’ve got graphics, we got sound, beautiful up and running, huh but it indicates the battery needs recharging huh that’s odd.
Tai: Hey everybody get over here quick.
Izzy: Huh
Sora: We’re coming Tai.
All: Ah.
Joe: Looks like some kind of factory
Matt: Lets hope they can manufacture a way for us to get home.
Joe: Hmm I wonder what the make in there?
Mimi: I don’t know but wouldn’t it be great if there’s a manufactures outlet store they always have some killer deals.
Matt: Don’t ask me how but there doesn’t seem to be anyone here.
Inside the factory.
Sora: Theres gotta be someone running the equipment.
Izzy: I don’t know it seems to be doing quite well all by itself.
Tk: Matt what are the machines making?
Matt: You got me maybe parts for robots or spaceships.
Joe: Somebody’s got to be moving those belts and people gotta eat so is there a cafeteria in this place cause we could really use a good meal.
They split into groups Tai, Sora and Joe and their digimon and Matt, Tk, Mimi and Izzy.
Tai: Hello is anybody here?
Sora: Wait a minute don’t go any further in this direction.
Joe: What’s the matter with this direction it’s just as good as any other direction isn’t it?
Biyomon: No wait
Sora: What is it Biyomon.
Biyomon: I’m not sure I heard something.
Sora: Huh
Joe: Yeah
Tai’s group: Ah
Tai: Doesn’t sound good to me.
Matt’s group.
Tk: I say we go inside and have a look around.
Matt’s group: ah
Izzy: ah prodigious now a battery like that could run my computer forever. I wonder if there’s a way to access its power.
Tai and Group find something
Agumon: Hey
All: Huh
Tai: What do you suppose happened to him?
Sora: Who knows but lets see if we can help.
Tai: It’s just a busted robot.
Gomamon: It’s not a robot it’s Andromon.
Tai: What this big clunk is a digimon?
Agumon: Yes and very much advanced.
Biyomon: Poor thing I guess he got caught in the gears and that’s how he got mangled.
Sora: Maybe if we work together we can pull him out of there.
Joe: Oh my mom doesn’t really want me moving very heavy objects I’ve got bad knees.
Sora: Relax we’ll do it.
Tai: Right
Joe: Hey.
Matt’s group.
Matt: What are you doing Izzy?
Izzy: I’m trying to tap into this power source it I can get this baby to fire up then we can use my computer to get some help.
Tai’s group are still trying to free Andromon.
Tai: I think it’s moving.
He the fall s backwards hitting a lever making the machine work.
Joe: Hey something’s happening.
A black gear falls into Andromon’s leg.
Joe: Hey something’s happening he’s coming loose.
They pull him out.
All: Yeah.
Agumon: I think he’s slowly coming to.
Tai: he needs a couple of whacks.
He goes to hit Andromon but Agumon does it.
Andromon: I am Andromon.
Joe: There’s this movie where a robot came to life and ate everyone.
Sora: He looks friendly enough and I’m sure if we’re nice to him he’ll be nice to us.
Andromon grabs Sora’s leg.
Sora: Forget what I said about being friendly.
Andromon: I shall punish alien intruders.
DA Tentomon: Andromon is one of the most powerful digimon of all. His body is a tireless machine capable of almost anything. End DA
Tai: Let’s give him all we’ve got.
Biyomon: Ha Spiral Twister.
Andromon: Ah
He throws Sora but she gets caught by Tai and Agumon.
Joe: Too bad we didn’t catch him on a good day watch out.
Gomamon: Maybe this is a good day.
Joe: This is not good.
Agumon: Well Tai what do we do now?
Tai: Er Agumon how about trying to blast the roof.
Agumon: Hmm Pha.
Iron bars fall down trapping Andromon.
Tai: Boy he’s gonna have one ugly headache.
Sora: No doubt.
Tai: Now lets get out of here.
Matt, Tk and Mimi are together.
Mimi: This place would be a lot more interesting if there was a tour guide to explain it oh maybe with (I didn’t understand what she said next).
Izzy and Tentomon
Izzy: Ah ha I’ve located an access panel to the interior operations.
Tentomon: Let me see Izzy. What exactly do you think this is?
Izzy: Those markings are bio alien mutations of some sort a computer program. A very complicated program indeed.
He wipes a bit of the program which cuts out the power in the factory.
Mimi, Matt and Tk are looking at the conveyer belt.
Tai, Sora Joe and their digimon are still running.
Tai: Hey who turned out the lights?
Joe: I break out in hives in the dark.
Andromon: Hmmm
Joe: What was that?
Sora: I hope it isn’t Andromon.
Tai: It might be a good plan to keep moving so we don’t have to find out.
Joe: Well I’m for that.
Tai: Or we could just stay here frozen till the monster gets us.
Sora: Let’s sneak away.
Joe: Can you explain why we’re tiptoeing instead of running for our lives,
Andromon: Intruders sited and Andromon doesn’t like intruders Lightning Blade.
Tai’s group: Ahhhhh
Izzy and Tentomon
Izzy: That was a smooth move Izzy scratch that theory could I have possibly deleted the wrong program?
Tentomon: I think that is a distinct possibility Izzy why don’t you undelete it?
Izzy: Capital Idea a stroke of metallic paint right here vola.
Mimi: They didn’t pay their power bill is that it?
Matt: You know you have no imagination.
Izzy: That’s rather mysterious.
Tentomon: And just what is so mysterious about it.
Izzy: Well you see batteries are driven by an acidic chemical reaction which generates a current this one produces it’s own current independently.
Tentomon: And what does that mean in plain English for those who didn’t major in engineering.
Izzy: Give me a nano here.
Tentomon: I’ll even give you 3.
Izzy: If I can decode this particulate programme then I can trace its base functions and figure a way out of here.
Tai’s group: Ah
Sora: Let’s get out of here he’s getting closer.
Biyomon: Screams
Joe (panting): This is not good I don’t like this at all.
Biyomon: Come on you guys.
Andromon: Lightning Blade and fire.
Gang: Screams.
Andromon: Here me intruders Andromon will exact his vengeance.
Tai: Hey come on, vengeance we’re the ones that jump-started you remember.
Izzy and Tentomon
Tentomon: I admire how you keep working while your friends are out having fun. Don’t you ever feel sort of left out?
Izzy: Not at all.
Tentomon: So you’d rather spend your time with puzzles than people/
Izzy: Precisely what can be more fun than breaking a cryptogram that nobody else can figure out.
Tentomon: I can think of a lot of things like relaxing on a nice warm beach and not worrying about been trapped in a small room with no exit. But that’s just me.
Izzy: I’m just trying to determine how we all got to this place and I’d like to learn more about you digimon perhaps prove some of my theories.
Tentomon: What are you theorising about? What’s the is mystery I am who I am I’m not hiding anything.
Izzy: Really?
Tentomon: I simply can’t understand this preoccupation with who you are, is there some kind of deep dark secret in your origins
Izzy: Oh well.
(Flash Back)
Izzy Mum: Don’t you think it’s time we told Izzy the truth dear?
Izzy Dad: No I’m afraid if we told him now it might be too big of a shock.
Izzy Mum: I know your trying to do what’s best but I’m worried once he finds out he’ll be upset that we didn’t tell him sooner.
Izzy Dad: Well we can’t think about that now.
(End Flash Back)
Tentomon: Izzy, Izzy.
Izzy: Oh what did you say?
Tentomon: You were off in another world look at the screen.
Izzy: Huh
Tentomon: It’s acting rather strangely perhaps you should stop focusing on the problem and start looking for a solution. Your friends are in trouble can’t you feel it in your bones?
Izzy: Oh my digivice has been activated.
Matt’s group.
Matt: Boy that’s productive this thing puts the pieces together and then takes them apart.
Tentomon and Izzy.
Tentomon: Tentomon to Izzymon are you reading me.
Izzy: This is merely scientifically speculation but I believe I’ve stumbled onto something more than a simple computer game and I’m about to abandon my alien theories. Well ah.
Tentomon: Oh my it’s getting hot in here ow ow I’m burning up do something quickly I’m being (didn’t understand again GOMEN)
Izzy: What’s going on hey.
Tentomon: Oh ow I can’t stand it help.
Izzy: Hmm (looking at digivice) is it short-circuiting?
Tentomon: Oo ee mercy yikes.
Izzy: Woah
Tentomon: I’m dancing like I’ve never danced before.
Izzy: I’m disconnecting the power now I’ll never figure the mystery out now oh well.
While Izzy is talking Tentomon is saying ow over an over.
Tentomon: Oh I don’t like computers.
Izzy: What’s happened to my digivice?
With Tai’s group.
Andromon: Andromon will exact his vengeance.
Tai: Oh yeah just try it you walking tin can.
Tai jumps to some controls.
Joe: Will you please stop taunting the deranged android.
Mimi: Now I’m board grey is my least favourite colour and all this deconstruction is so 10 minutes ago why are we still here?
Matt: We’re still here because we’re trying to figure out what gets built in this factory. So far it just seems designed to put things together and then take them apart.
Tk: I really really hope they designed it with a door.
Matt: There’s no door it’s based on perpetual motion nothing ever stops or leaves this place.
Andromon: Fire huh.
Izzy: Hey everybody (talking to Matt, Tk and Mimi) you’re never going to guess what I’ve just discovered?
Andromon: Vengeance.
Matt: So what’s up?
Izzy: Well the computer programme operating this factory is what producing the generating power to keep it going even more incredible in Digiworld basic data and simple living information are a bioble substance it’s alive.
Garurumon knock a missile away but the other one starts firing at Tai, Joe,
Sora and their digimon.
Tai, Joe, Sora, Gomamon, Agumon, and Biyomon: Ah
Agumon: Agumon digivolve to.
Greymon: Greymon.
He destroys the other missiles.
Andromon: Who challenges Andromon?
Greymon and Garurumon get attacked.
Andromon: Bungling weaklings.
Tai: Get him Greymon.
Matt: Recycle that hunk of tin.
Andromon: You puny ones dare to challenge me?
Garurumon: Growls.
Andromon: Lightning Blade and file.
Matt: He’s more powerful than either of our digimon.
Sora: Maybe cause he’s all machine it’s almost like he’s digivolved far beyond the other digimon.
Tai: Is it possible that we could lose.
Andromon attacks again.
Tai: He’s beaten them both now.
Matt: Looks like there’s no hope.
Tentomon: Try re-entering that program that activated your digivice.
Izzy: What for?
Tentomon: I believe that’s the key to my digivolving.
Izzy: Yes it’s gotta work if I can just recall the exact sequence we cracked the program yeah.
Tentomon: Tentomon digivolve to.
Kabuterimon: Kabuterimon.
All: yeah
Greymon and Garurumon are still being beaten.
Kabuterimon buzzes.
Andromon: Huh bring missiles to position and fire.
Joe: Boy doesn’t that Andromon ever run out of gas?
Izzy: Huh that’s it hey oh cut his power demobilise his right leg and we’ll interrupt his energy source ah.
Kabuterimon: Electro Shocker.
Andromon: Argh
The black gear leaves his leg.
Matt: He stripped a gear.
Sora: That musta hurt.
Tai: That’s wicked
Andromon: That black gear reprogrammed my systems some how I’m normally a none violent digimon.
Tai: You could have fooled us.
Sora: No kidding (whispering to Joe) I told you he’s a digimon and not an android.
Andromon: I never meant to hurt anyone.
Matt: Don’t give it another thought hey we all make mistakes.
Andromon: I can’t answer your answer your questions about how this place came to being or what it’s for but I can be of some help the best way to escape from here is to follow the underground water way the labyrinth begins just beyond this point.
Tai: Thanks for your help Andromon.
Andromon: I hope you find your way home and no matter what try to remember the guy that turned out to be not so bad.
Tai: There’s a things you can count on we’ll never forget you Andromon.
In pipe line.
Mimi: I know I can do this really I can ok ready set go.
Tai: Ok that only took 4 minutes. Let’s get out of here.
Joe: Am I the only one that finds strolling leisurely through the sewers a slightest bit disgusting.
Tk: Tell me the truth Izzy was it your computer that made Tentomon turn into a super hero.
Izzy: Prodigious huh.
Tk: Would your computer make Patamon become a superhero?
Izzy: I suppose that is possible.
Tk: Wow ok.
Izzy: Let’s see now.
Tk: What’s happening?
Izzy: That’s strange.
Tk: Hey
Izzy: Programs right but nothing is happening.
Tai: Just give it a few whacks that’ll do it.
Agumon: let us try.
Izzy: Er uh oh.
Tai and Agumon hit each other.
Izzy: Sorry guys but a computer is not a toy.
Sora: Now that you boys have holes in you heads maybe your brain will get enough oxygen